see the field - FINAL

See the Field

Sometimes you wish you could see all the choices and decisions you will ever make in life at one time, you wish you could see the entire field at one time! But you can only make one decision at a time and live with the consequences with the here and now.  In this series, we are looking at young King David, before David was King, he was anointed king long before he attained the position of king.  He had to be patient in his “here and now” to learn everything God required of him before he could attain his anointed position as King of Israel.

5 Senses: Spiritual Taste, Physical Talk

By Dave Warner | June 5, 2022

Even in the most difficult of circumstances we can find the goodness of God. In the darkness of the caves and on the run, David penned the words, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” He found ways to find the goodness of God when he was in his worst of days. You too…

Jesus Unhinged: Jesus Anointed

By Dave Warner | May 29, 2022

This last installment of Jesus Unhinged shows Jesus in the town of Bethany at a dinner party and one of his followers pours out a very expensive bottle of ointment on his head. We find that everyone calculates the cost for something and for Mary, this was her most precious gift to give to Jesus.

Jesus Unhinged: Jesus Heals the Blind

By Dave Warner | May 22, 2022

Jesus calls Bartimaeus before he heals him. Often we wait to respond to God’s call on our life until after we feel perfect, perfected, healed and worthy, but Bartimaeus immediately responded to Jesus’ calling before receiving his healing and then he joined Jesus where Jesus was going. This is beautiful interaction is an example for…

Jesus Unhinged: Jesus Transfigured

By Dave Warner | May 15, 2022

Jesus experienced a change on the mountaintop, but his change was external only while for the disciples with him their change was internal and not external. The mountaintop experiences you have in worship and other places, should result in you being changed for life in the valley.

Jesus Unhinged: Jesus’ Way

By Dave Warner | May 8, 2022

Jesus calls everyone who follows him to deny yourself, take up your cross and follow him. But Jesus’ cross is not the romanticized version that we know of today. Jesus’ cruciform way is all about losing one’s life for the sake of Jesus.

Jesus Unhinged: Jesus Walks on Water

By Dave Warner | May 1, 2022

Sometimes Jesus calms storms, sometimes Jesus calms hearts, sometimes Jesus does both…but we can go through all the storms of life when we focus completely on Jesus.

Define the Relationship: Our Relationship with Politics

By Dave Warner | April 10, 2022

When we allow politics to consume us, it interrupts our relationship with God (puts politics before Christ) and ourselves (degrades the Imago Dei in us as we dehumanize/demonize others) as well as tears apart relationships with believers and wrecks our witness with nonbelievers.

Define the Relationship: Our Relationship with Non-Believers

By Dave Warner | April 3, 2022

Often times the world around, those who are not believers yet, see believers and people within the church as close-minded and misogynistic. So, how can we love non-believers when they may want nothing to do with us? Pastor Mariah Miskimen talks with us about our DTR: Our relationship with non-believers.

Define the Relationship: Relationship with Fellow Believers

By Dave Warner | March 27, 2022

Why is it that people within the North American church have such a hard time getting along and what can we do about it?f

Define the Relationship: Our Relationship with Consuming

By Dave Warner | March 20, 2022

Often times the thing that we consume actually consumes us. It consumes our thinking, our money, our time and we become possessed by it. Join Pastor Mariah Miskimen as she talks about a proper relationship with consumption.