Diamonds Out of Darkness, Reggie Byrd

Engage Newark
Engage Newark
Diamonds Out of Darkness, Reggie Byrd

At your darkest hour, even when it doesn’t feel like God is there, that is the time God is MOST with you, forming you into a new creation. God uses these experiences to form us and in the end, if we choose to allow it, when we come out of the darkness, we can reflect the light of God through Jesus Christ!

Sermons in this Series

They Said Whaaat?!!? God Needed Another Angel

By Dave Warner May 7, 2023

Well-meaning Christians trying to comfort people in mourning have used this phrase that causes harm to the person they are speaking to reveals their own theological misunderstandings. Listen in to help clarify what the Bible says about Angels and what happens to humans when we die.

They Said Whaaat?!!? Everything Happens for a Reason

By Dave Warner April 30, 2023

We want to be able to understand and explain everything…even the unexplainable. So as a short cut, we say, “Everything happens for a reason.” Unfortunately that phrase often blames God for our difficult circumstances and presumes that God caused bad things to happen to us or others for some reason that we have to sort…

They Said Whaaat?!!? God Told Me…

By Dave Warner April 23, 2023

We have to stop assuming the authority that God has given each of us a special revelation that goes unfiltered through the community. We believe that God can (and does) speak to people but that are certain parameters for how God does it and how God communicates to people and all of it can be…

They Said Whaaat?!!? “The Bible says it, I believe it, that settles it”

By Dave Warner April 16, 2023

This phrase is damaging because it fails to consider that no-one reads the Bible in the same way, nor do they understand it’s meaning in the same way. Furthermore, the Bible should be the beginning of conversations, not the end.

He Turned His Face Toward Jerusalem – Palm Sunday – 5 Year Anniversary Celebration

By Dave Warner April 2, 2023

He Turned His Face Toward Jerusalem: The Parable of the Minas

By Dave Warner March 26, 2023

As Jesus made his way toward Jerusalem, he did kingdom work and taught kingdom values along the way. In his final teaching before entering the city, he teaches that his kingdom is not of this world and that he will be gone for a while and then coming back. While he is gone we are…

He Turned His Face Toward Jerusalem – The Grateful Samaritan

By Dave Warner March 19, 2023

As Jesus headed to his ultimate destination of Jerusalem, he was interrupted by 10 men who had leprosy. Of course Jesus healed them, but only one turned back to give thanks and he was a Samaritan, one of the most hated people groups of their time and place. Join Keynan Williams as he gives a…

He Turned His Face Toward Jerusalem – Mustard Seed

By Dave Warner March 12, 2023

The smallest things can wreck us or protect us. Jesus encourages his followers to have faith, even just the size of a mustard seed to grow and blossom and bloom to be something greater, to be our protection when we face our Jerusalem.

He Turned His Face Toward Jerusalem: The Rich Young Ruler

By Dave Warner March 5, 2023

Most of the time the thing that we hold on to so tightly is actually the thing that holds on to us and keeps us from following Jesus. For the rich young ruler he could not let go of his money and hit kept him from following Jesus. What’s the thing that is keeping you…

He Turned His Face Toward Jerusalem – The Mount of Transfiguration

By Dave Warner February 26, 2023

Even in the most serene of moments, when Jesus was transfigured and joined by Moses and Elijah, and his three apostolic witnesses wanted to build houses and stay on the mount, Jesus was ready to go down the mountain and face his most difficult circumstance yet – arrest, trial and execution in Jerusalem. Mountaintop experiences…