Do You Hear What I Hear? Receive Blessing

Engage - Christmas 2019
Engage Newark
Engage Newark
Do You Hear What I Hear? Receive Blessing

God interrupted the normal flow of life for Mary when Gabriel and angel was sent to inform her of Jesus’ birth.  For Mary, there was no mistaking God’s message to her, but it is not always easy for us to know if God is talking to us! Like Mary, and Zechariah before her, we may have questions, how do we know if God is talking to us? Today we add to our list of signs God is speaking to us.

Sermons in this Series

Christmas Eve Full Service: Trash vs Treasure

By Dave Warner December 25, 2019

Please enjoy Engage Newark’s celebration of Christmas with music and candlelight. The message for this evening emphasized sorting through the clutter and chaos (trash) of life to discover the treasure to be found at Christmas.

Do You Hear What I Hear? Experience Joy

By Dave Warner December 25, 2019

The Shepherds received a surprise visit from angels while they were out minding our their own business, tending sheep one night.  The angels delivered a message of Good News of Great Joy that was meant for all people! When God speaks, it’s always Good News and it’s always meant for all people.

Do You Hear What I Hear? Exhibit Compassion

By Dave Warner December 15, 2019

When Joseph learned that his betrothed wife Mary was pregnant, and knowing it wasn’t his baby, he had in mind to divorce her but quietly with compassion to spare her further humiliation.  However, God had other plans, God called on Joseph to level-up his compassion and give Mary grace. God always calls us towards compassion,…

Do You Hear What I Hear? Receive Blessing

By Dave Warner December 8, 2019

God interrupted the normal flow of life for Mary when Gabriel and angel was sent to inform her of Jesus’ birth.  For Mary, there was no mistaking God’s message to her, but it is not always easy for us to know if God is talking to us! Like Mary, and Zechariah before her, we may…

Do You Hear What I Hear? Have Faith

By Dave Warner December 1, 2019

The story of Zechariah and Elizabeth from Luke chapter 1 is a fantastic view into God’s miraculous life-giving work as He promises a son to the elderly couple.  This interruption into Zechariah’s life inspires faith and obedience for Zechariah, but not without having his doubts at the beginning…