DTR – Define the Relationship, Our Relationship with God

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Engage Newark
Engage Newark
DTR - Define the Relationship, Our Relationship with God

Our relationship with God is foundational to every other relationship that we have. If we can get this one right, then life will be a lot easier navigating all of our other relationships.

Sermons in this Series

Define the Relationship: Our Relationship with Politics

By Dave Warner April 10, 2022

When we allow politics to consume us, it interrupts our relationship with God (puts politics before Christ) and ourselves (degrades the Imago Dei in us as we dehumanize/demonize others) as well as tears apart relationships with believers and wrecks our witness with nonbelievers.

Define the Relationship: Our Relationship with Non-Believers

By Dave Warner April 3, 2022

Often times the world around, those who are not believers yet, see believers and people within the church as close-minded and misogynistic. So, how can we love non-believers when they may want nothing to do with us? Pastor Mariah Miskimen talks with us about our DTR: Our relationship with non-believers.

Define the Relationship: Relationship with Fellow Believers

By Dave Warner March 27, 2022

Why is it that people within the North American church have such a hard time getting along and what can we do about it?f

Define the Relationship: Our Relationship with Consuming

By Dave Warner March 20, 2022

Often times the thing that we consume actually consumes us. It consumes our thinking, our money, our time and we become possessed by it. Join Pastor Mariah Miskimen as she talks about a proper relationship with consumption.

Define the Relationship: Ourselves

By Dave Warner March 13, 2022

How we view ourselves influences how we relate to others. God’s design for our relationship to ourselves is for us to have humble confidence in our being created in the image of God. However, we often go outside of that intention and assume an identity in disgrace and humiliation of less than the Image of…

DTR – Define the Relationship, Our Relationship with God

By Dave Warner March 6, 2022

Our relationship with God is foundational to every other relationship that we have. If we can get this one right, then life will be a lot easier navigating all of our other relationships.