Faith Like…Elisha

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Engage Newark
Engage Newark
Faith Like...Elisha

Elisha took the mantle from his mentor, Elijah to carry on the good work that Elijah had committed to for a lifetime. Elisha’s faith was tested during this time of transition, tests that we all experience from time to time that push us to the limits of our faith. When we have a test of our faith, we also have a decision to make…to take up the mantel of leadership left to us or to let it go and leave it behind.

Sermons in this Series

Exalting the Humble

By Dave Warner November 20, 2022

Jesus gives us an example of how people should live in the kingdom while in social situations. In Luke 14 Jesus is at a dinner party, talking about dinner parties. As we head into the Thanksgiving celebration season, this is a good reminder of how we can make people, our families and friends feel most…

What’s Your Excuse? I Don’t Want To

By Dave Warner November 13, 2022

This final excuse of Moses was the real reason Moses tried to decline God’s direction to free the Hebrew slaves: I don’t want to? We tend to not give the real reason for not doing God’s will, we invent lots of other excuses, but the real reason is that we don’t want to.

What’s Your Excuse? I Don’t Speak Well

By Dave Warner November 6, 2022

Of all of Moses’ five excuses, this is the one that was probably a legitimate reason for why he could not be expected to convince a million people that they should not be slaves and why he could not speak to the most powerful man in the world, Pharaoh. Why would God choose someone with…

What’s Your Excuse? People Doubt me

By Dave Warner October 30, 2022

Moses gave 5 excuses for why he could not go and release the Hebrews from bondage in Egypt, one of them was that people might doubt him. Sometimes doubt can motivate someone to do better and be better but sometimes it becomes a crutch to not do what we are called to do.

Entrusted: Passion, Power and Purpose

By Dave Warner October 23, 2022

Jesus has placed in the heart of every person a dream, a kingdom vocation that helps them fulfill the purpose that they are designed to fulfill. Ben Hardman brings a message of inspiration and challenge to help us fulfill our kingdom dream.

What’s Your Excuse? I Don’t Know Enough

By Dave Warner October 16, 2022

Moses had five excuses for why God should not call him to go rescue the Hebrews from Egypt. His second excuse was “I don’t know enough” which was framed by him asking, “What will I tell them if they ask who sent me?” Moses was limiting himself by what he didn’t know. Sometimes we have…

What’s Your Excuse? I Am Not Enough

By Dave Warner October 9, 2022

Moses gave God five excuses as to why he could not and should not go deliver the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt. Reggie Byrd takes us through the first excuse where Moses asks, “Who am I?” revealing his predilection towards feeling Imposter Syndrome. But God has a response to Moses and tells him that He…

What’s Your Excuse? An Introduction to Moses

By Dave Warner October 2, 2022

Moses spent 80 years discovering who he was but it wasn’t until an encounter with a burning bush that he finally (and begrudgingly) came into his own being. Moses’ excuses are the same excuses we use today, but often we don’t say them out loud, we just hear them internally, as lies that keep us…

You Already Belong: Give Generously

By Dave Warner September 25, 2022

Everything we do must come from a heart of love, not from guilt or compulsion…especially when it comes to how we deal with our finances. Giving is simply part of being a fully engaged disciple of Jesus and we do it from a heart of love.

You Already Belong: Love Recklessly, Grow Vigorously

By Dave Warner September 11, 2022

Everything we do should come from a heart of love…love is the primary motivator for everything the believer says and does – including our discipleship, how we grow in our love for God. But here’s the thing about growing, you can’t do it on your own, you can only cultivate the soil so that growth…