Hello, Goodbye – Loving Acceptance

Engage Sermon Series
Engage Newark
Engage Newark
Hello, Goodbye - Loving Acceptance

Our friend Reggie Byrd preaches on giving and accepting the Love of Jesus.

Sermons in this Series

Hello, Goodbye – Make Your Mark

By Dave Warner June 23, 2024

This is our last message as we say goodbye to our first home at 31 West. We are so thankful for our first six years together in our home and now we move away to our new location in another part of town having made our mark in downtown Newark and now moving on to…

Hello, Goodbye – Loving Acceptance

By Dave Warner June 16, 2024

Our friend Reggie Byrd preaches on giving and accepting the Love of Jesus.

Hello, Goodbye – Our Call

By Dave Warner June 9, 2024

Jesus dared to go to places where he was not welcome, like a party for tax collectors. He risked being ridiculed by the party attenders AND the establishment…and yet he went at the expense of his own reputation. Are you willing to connect to the person with that is the least likely candidate to be…

Hello, Goodbye: Reaching Our neighbors

By Dave Warner June 2, 2024

Welcoming our neighbors means allowing them to be themselves when they are in our presence. The challenge from scripture is for us to welcome others as Jesus welcomed us – “as we are.”

Hello, Goodbye – The Peace Within

By Dave Warner May 26, 2024

Peace is more than just the absence of conflict…our passage from Ephesians 2 teaches us that peace actually comes in the person of Jesus Christ. We are meant to be unified together, saying goodbye to the old person and hello to the new person that Jesus is creating in you.

Hello, Goodbye – Remember Who You Were

By Dave Warner May 19, 2024

We need to remember who we were (and say goodbye to it) before we can move forward and say hello to who we are becoming. The past is lovely and nostalgic but we also must remember that it also has it’s moments of struggle and scars.