Dealing with Doubt: Why Do the Innocent Suffer?

Engage Sermon Series
Engage Newark
Engage Newark
Dealing with Doubt: Why Do the Innocent Suffer?

Natural disasters, sickness, violence, starvation…all bad things that happen to people, even good people. Why do bad things happen to good people? Jesus gives us some understanding on this topic and our friend Sean Lennon gives us some reasonable understanding to this complex topic.

Sermons in this Series

Dealing with Doubt: Does Prayer Actually Work?

By Dave Warner May 12, 2024

Sometimes the things we ask God for in prayer actually happen…but what about when they don’t? Why doesn’t prayer work every time? Perhaps it’s our expectations that need to change to align with what prayer is and what prayer actually does.

Dealing with Doubt: Why Do the Innocent Suffer?

By Dave Warner May 5, 2024

Natural disasters, sickness, violence, starvation…all bad things that happen to people, even good people. Why do bad things happen to good people? Jesus gives us some understanding on this topic and our friend Sean Lennon gives us some reasonable understanding to this complex topic.

Dealing with Doubt – What Is the Bible

By Dave Warner April 28, 2024

The Bible is many things but it is also not many things. Listen in as our friend Tim Walk gives us a challenge to see the Bible as the Bible reveals itself.

Dealing with Doubt: Is Heaven Real?

By Dave Warner April 21, 2024

Heaven may be more real than hell when it comes right down to it. But is heaven how it’s portrayed in popular culture and contemporary church teaching? We can say resoundingly: No. The Bible is clear on some things about heaven and unclear about other things.

Dealing with Doubt: Do all non-Christians Go to Hell?

By Dave Warner April 14, 2024

This is one of the more troubling questions that people have about the Christian faith? If this is true then hell must be a lot bigger than heaven…would a loving God create a system in which hell is bigger than heaven?

Dealing with Doubt – Is God Real?

By Dave Warner April 7, 2024

Is God real is one of the fundamental questions of humanity, but how can we reasonably think that God exists outside of evidence provided in the Bible? In this message, Pastor Dave Warner gives five standard apologetic reason why it’s conceivable to believe in God plus 1 reason he believes is the best for him.